NAIS procedural knowledge in ICT concern:
- Satellite technologies for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNOS/GALILEO); Communication and Earth Observation Systems (GMES/Copernicus);
- Innovative HCI (Human-computer interaction) technology based on Virtual or Augmented Reality (e.g. applied to the development of radar scopes of modern conception for air traffic control)
- Process architecture and systems engineering (e.g. enterprise architecture (EA), model-driven engineering (MDE), RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) analysis, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)…) applied to complexes of critical security infrastructures (e.g. next-generation air traffic management (ATM) systems, satellite ground segments as in the case of COSMO SkyMED, multi-disciplinary data processing chains).
NAIS has been and is currently involved in National and European R&D projects and programs: in the ATM sector in the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project, in the European Air Traffic Management System (EATMS), in the Space Services and Benefits in Aviation Systems (S2BAS) project to provide flight information services to small aircrafts and in small airports, in the remotely piloted air system (RPAS) & air traffic management (ATM) Integration Demonstration (RAID) program, in ESA-ARTES 20 IAP program; in the context of SATCOMM with Iris ANTARES and in ASI co-financed projects such as: WHERE, Earth Observation/GMES technologies in the cultural heritage sector, AIRONE for aeronautical weather service and SPACE4UXO to support field operations to remove unexploded ordnance (UXO). Other activities concern Transport, Maritime and Cultural Heritage sectors in the European Frame Programme area, as CUSPIS (FP6), TWIST (FP6), SPESSS(FP6), AD4 (FP6), HARMLESS (FP6), GIROADS (FP6), Safeport (FP7), Meduse (FP7), Enhanced Wisetrip (FP7), ITACA (FP7).
The company’s technical skills are shown in the tables below and cover the following areas: GNSS, Location- based systems, Multi-link communication concepts and technologies, Wireless communication, Satellite and terrestrial data communication, Satellite Earth Observation data elaboration and mapping analysis, ATM concepts and systems, ADS-B surveillance, Flight Information Services, HMI technologies based on Virtual and Augmented Reality, Visual Modelling and Simulation, Verification and Validation tasks, WebGIS systems. Moreover, the great professionalism of the company in the development of software applications has led NAIS to recognize the importance of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) analysis and to adopt its methods for the implementation of high-quality products.
At present the company is demonstrating its high-value skills as Thales Alenia Space – Italy consultant in the COSMO SkyMED Second Generation – CSG satellite constellation. NAIS is also developer in the CSG project, in partnership with Telespazio.